Grass-Fed Beef
How Our Cattle Are Raised
Our cattle are raised with care, and rotated between pastures to ensure edibility and nutrition of the grasses they consume. The cattle at H.W. McElroy Ranch are raised without:

No Use of Hormones

No Feeding Antibiotics
About Grass-Fed Beef
“You are what you eat” not only goes for humans but also for cattle. There are substantial differences between a primarily grass-fed and primarily grain-fed beef. In a health conscience world like we live in today, it is imperative to know the facts. A fullblood Maine-Anjou with a primarily grass-fed diet excels in efficiently concentrating valuable health nutrients, which results in improved wellness. This breed is known for being beef cattle that are large in size at maturity; therefore seeing a 2500lb (or larger) bull and 1800lb cow, is not uncommon.
Over the last 50 years, cattle breeders in North America have been selecting young bulls for superior grain (feed-lot) fattening qualities used for breeding. Breeders unknowingly bred away from efficiency on grass, as a result most North American cattle will not marble well on grass. Fullblood Maine-Anjou’s potentially have the best carcass offered in today’s cattle industry. In different countries top Chefs are familiar with the term “Anjou Beef.” The fullblood Maine-Anjou meat has one of the highest marbling scores and offers a high percentage of top end cuts compared to other breeds. With a considerable percentage of cutability (64% to 67%) and big rib eyes, these carcasses are in high demand.
Buying grass-fed beef gives you the opportunity to enjoy the outstanding taste resulting from fullblood Maine-Anjou cattle.
Why Grass-Fed Beef is a Premium
The types of fat present in the meat are greatly influenced by the cattle’s diet. MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids), PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids), and SFA (saturated fatty acids) are the broad categories for some of the things that have unique effects on the body.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both PUFA’s and are found at a more desirable ratio in grass-fed beef. Notably higher levels of Omega-3 are found in grass-fed beef, which is needed to make the body operate correctly.
Another type of PUFA is CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which helps protect against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In grass-fed beef two to three times more CLA can be found.
SFA has three main types that are found in red meat: stearic acid, palmitic acid and myristic acid. Out of the three, stearic acid is the most impacted when the animal is grass-fed. A much greater amount of the stearic acid is found, meaning there are lower levels of palmitic and myrisitc acids; both of which are more likely to raise ones cholesterol.
Grass-fed beef also greatly trumps grain-fed beef by containing significantly more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamin A, which is found in plant pigments, and therefore not found in grain-fed animals, is a precursor to carotenoids like beta-carotene and can help prevent chronic diseases. Vitamin E, glutathione, SOD (superoxide dismutase), and catalase help protect our cells from oxidation. They also protect Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are delicate fats found in the cell membrane. Zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium can be also be found at much higher levels.
Selecting Your Grass-Fed Calf
- Select a calf through photos or make arrangements to visit the ranch (scheduled visits are always welcome). Please keep in mind when selecting from a photo that our calves are always changing.
- Once a calf has been selected it will be identified as yours and raised under watchful eyes.
- When the calf reaches the desired age and weight it will be processed.
- The buyer will then make arrangements with the processing plant to determine the desired cuts.
- Other arrangements can be made as appropriate.
Contact us to schedule a visit and start your selection of an animal today!